Gerri brings a dramatic flare to her work with Weather or Not Pet Sitters and Dog Walkers--and we don't just mean that figuratively. She’ll be performing in the touring production of the Broadway musical Anastasia starting this Fall! Gerri will play the role of the "Dowager Empress", who is Anastasia's grandmother. Just how did our professional pet sitter land her “dream role” on the national tour? Read on to find out...
Journey to the National Theater Tour for Delaware Pet Sitter

Gerri performs in Something's Afoot, March 2020 in Wilmington Delaware
Gerri’s theatrical journey began as a young child whose parents had always been involved in community theater. From her first performance at age 16 in Fiddler on the Roof, and well into her adult life, Gerri has performed on stage. Knowing it was incredibly difficult to make a full-time career of acting, she pursued a variety of other “practical” work experience. She holds a degree in Spanish and a radio broadcasting certificate that led her to work in radio for nearly 10 years while continuing to perform in community theater (unpaid acting). After marriage and starting a family, Gerri moved into a new career in public relations for a non-profit. Once her children were through college, on a whim, she auditioned for Fiddler on the Roof in NYC and landed a role touring the US and Canada. Since then, she’s committed her “retirement career” to full-time acting on the professional level. As that “doesn’t provide a steady income,” Gerri began looking for job postings that would provide income and be flexible enough for her to keep acting...and that’s when Weather or Not Pet Care of Wilminigton came into her life!
Though Gerri is on her way to the bright lights of theaters across the country, she leaves behind a piece of her heart with every WonN pet client that she has cared for during the past four years.
Pet Care is a “Win-Win”

Bold, brave, and beautiful! Gerri's terrier mix Sophie shows her many talents.
For Gerri, her work as a pet care service provider is a "win-win.” “I adore dogs, and I love walking! [My job with Weather or Not of Wilmington] allows me to do the two things I love most: spending time with dogs boosts my spirit, and walking provides health benefits for my mind and body.”
Gerri enjoys her work with pets very much, though there are always minor challenges. “Some dogs dislike walking in rain; others lunge toward cars. And there’s always “the barkers” --- dogs that, no matter what comes at them, birds, butterflies, or bicycles, they just have to make their presence known. Gerri finds that “patience, a sense of humor, and loving attention” helps her maintain composure and that helps a dog settle.
One Smart Terrier
Gerri has one dog, a four year old rescue with a beautiful brindle-color. “We believe Sophie is a terrier mix, at least according to her DNA test!” Gerri says.
Though only 20 pounds, “she’s a mighty little dog. Strangers who meet her think she is still a puppy because she looks like a small version of a larger dog.” Sophie is also intelligent. She understands around 100 human words. “Sophie is able to identify all of her toys and can fetch a toy just by hearing the word for it,” without any prompting by Gerri. Check out the video:
On Stage Now: Funniest Pet Experience
”One of my funniest experiences happened when I was doing an early morning visit for a family that was traveling. They had 3 dogs, a cat, and a parrot. When I walked in, I immediately noticed that one of the dogs was unnaturally being very still, and I saw that one of his toenails had gotten caught in his collar. As I unlatched him, I was saying things out loud like, "Oh, you poor baby! Oh my gosh!" Well, that prompted the parrot to start saying, "WHAAAT?" "WHAAAAAT?" It cracked me up, because the parrot had this kind of snarky, sarcastic tone as if to say, "Oh now WHAT?!”
Back to Theater

Performing as "Mrs. Potts" in Beauty and the Beast (2017), Herberger Theater in Phoenix AZ
Gerri will start rehearsals in New York City in late September, then will head out on tour with the cast and crew of Anastasia. Performances will run at theaters in the U.S. and Canada from October until summer 2022. The closest that the show will come to our area will be the Merriam Theater in Philadelphia during Thanksgiving week. Gerri will post updates on her actor website.
We are sure there will be a few dogs, and one parrot, who would love to see Gerri on stage! Kidding aside, the team at WoN is so proud of Gerri for following her dream and ever grateful for the years of service she has given to WoN Pet Care clients here in Wilmington, Delaware. LIkewise, Gerri is thankful to LIsa and Mike and all of the clients for whom she has had the opportunity to provide pet care.
Endless thanks to Lisa and Mike, and to all the clients for the opportunity to care for your pets! I will miss everyone!